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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 30.09.2019, 21:56   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard Our last summer

I sit in class
The eyes of the others like painted glass
Their posture is lifeless
They’re moving like puppets
They don’t want to be there
Want crawl back into their lair
They just want a good grade
Their knowledge is left to fade
While I’m chasing
My dreams
My future
My past
Want my knowledge to last

They dream about endless weekends and bank accounts
I’m angry, want to shout:
We were once the same
Craved knowledge, knew no shame
Full of curiosity
What happened was a catastrophe
Punished for mistakes
The world began to shake
Not meant to learn but to perform
Your thoughts weren’t meant to roam
Always needed to be in top form

Yet I love to learn
Accepted the grades and how they burn
Will not leave myself behind
Need to feed this child inside
Yearn for something that will always last
Want my future to be my past
I am always looking for more
Walking, running until my feet are sore

Can’t fit in with the others
Feel like I’m undercover
There’s this question they all ponder:
Will this really be
Our last summer?

- LittleBlueDragon
LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 01.10.2019, 17:48   #2
männlich Ex-Ralfchen
Dabei seit: 10/2009
Alter: 77
Beiträge: 17.302

hi -

1st verse tells about the kids in a first class elementary school. very sadening.

Ex-Ralfchen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 01.10.2019, 21:48   #3
weiblich Ilka-Maria
Benutzerbild von Ilka-Maria
Dabei seit: 07/2009
Ort: Arrival City
Beiträge: 31.338

That's a very smart piece of work. Especially part two. There is lot of truth in it. Enjoyed reading it.
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Alt 01.10.2019, 22:07   #4
männlich Ex-JavaScript
Dabei seit: 04/2010
Beiträge: 652

It's great. Especially the idea of playing with time. Future and past, two things we can't change. I was fascinated by this work and I hope that we can see more of your poetry in the future.
Ex-JavaScript ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 01.10.2019, 23:13   #5
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
LittleBlueDagon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 02.10.2019, 03:59   #6
männlich Pjotr
Benutzerbild von Pjotr
Dabei seit: 09/2019
Beiträge: 633

Das gefällt mir auch. Die niedergeschriebene Stimmung ist nachfühlbar und zweifellos echt, und der Inhalt zeigt wahrlich die Sinnlosigkeit dieser altertümlichen Dressur-Politik, die leider immer noch nicht überall abgeschafft wurde.
Pjotr ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Our last summer

lernen, schule, wissensdrang

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